Max Payne Wiki

Max Payne buying a drink in Walton's Bar.

Walton's Bar is a small local bar located in Hoboken, New Jersey.


Max Payne was the bar's regular customer from 2007 to 2011. Another regular customer was Anthony DeMarco's son, until his death in 2011, by Max Payne.

There appears to be a restaurant or some sort of lounge downstairs below the bar. After killing Tony DeMarco, the mobsters in the back area and then walking down, a restaurant or lounge can be seen.



  • The name is a reference to Walton's Gang, from Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption.
  • The Irish flag on the wall may indicate the owner is Irish-American.
  • Pictures of places of Grand Theft Auto 4 and Red Dead Redemption can be seen in the bar.
  • A game of darts on the left side of the hall where the pool table is it can be seen, similar to Grand Theft Auto 4.
  • The music played in the bar includes: Gary Clark Jr - Bright Lights, Garland Jeffreys - Wild In The Streets, and Tom Zacharias - The Hooker.
  • In Chapter 4, a picture in the bar can be found that resembles the character car of Jack Kelsos, from L.A. Noire; another Rockstar title.

