- "V-head junkies could go off without a warning. I had to be careful."
- ―Max Payne
Valkyr Junkies are those unfortunate enough to have become addicted to Valkyr. Max Payne comes across many of them in poor neighborhoods of New York City during his 2001 vendetta.
Although armed, generally, the junkies just lie on the ground talking to themselves in a crazed stupor and do not attack Payne. If they are caught in a crossfire, though, they do start shooting, all the while laughing and screaming in a macabre manner.
Junkies are known to be surprisingly tough enemies. This most likely stems from them being under the effect of Valkyr, which greatly increases human strength and resilience by allowing its user to ignore pain, allowing them to perform feats and take wounds that would kill non-users even if they are mortally wounded in the process. This extreme pain tolerance often necessitates extensive gunfire to put them down by causing too much damage for their bodies to ignore, or explosives or incendiaries to pulverize body parts outright.
- If a junkie is killed with a Grenade or M79 Grenade Launcher , his scream is the same as a Mafia thug.
- If a junkie is killed with a Molotov Cocktail, his scream is the same as a Mafia thug on fire.