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After Max has gone through the story of all the preceding events, the time spent at the morgue was much too long; the cleaning commandos have found him.


Max, who has just identified himself as a murderer, is looking over Winterson's body and is found by Mitchum, a commando. Max quickly looks over Winterson's body one last time and comes across a card for Vladimir Lem's resturaunt, Vodka. Determined to follow this clue, he must push past the commandos and find Vlad.


The Morgue

There is a medicine cabinet with a stash of painkillers on the far wall. Take them; they will be of use later on.

Mitchum will be waiting outside the door, unable to get through because it's locked, and will continually taunt and threaten Payne until he calls his commando friends with a walkie-talkie. Don't bother searching the morgue for anything else; you have to knock him down with the door and get past him.

The Pursuit

After knocking Mitchum over with the door, run up the stairs to the left. The set of doors two flights up from the morgue will be open. Make a left from the doors, and run straight down the hall to the left of the cola machine. Down the hallway a short way will be the surgery room, complete with corpses.  Outside the surgery room will be two nurses talking about guilt from having a patient die. They will attempt to calm you once they see you, but will be soon dispatched by Feller, Mitchum's partner. Continue through the doors exiting the surgery room closest to the nurses and make a left to the "Recovery" room. Immediately to your left will be a door left ajar to a dimly lit office space with a few painkillers scattered behind cabinets and along desks. Heal yourself if needed and wait for the two commandos to lock the door you walked through behind them. Hide behind the cubicles and avoid staying in their line of sight. A hospital security guard will arrive. He will be killed instantly by Feller, and drop his pistol. Run around the cubicles, keeping distance from the commandos, grab the dropped gun and kill both Mitchum and Feller.

Escaping the Hospital

Walk through the opened door that the guard entered through, and head to the security guard locker room to the right through the only unlocked door. Pick up the ammo and weapons as you need them. DO NOT head straight for the next door. A guard will rush through after about 6 seconds of entering the room and be killed, leaving you wide open to the commandos on the other side. Instead, pick up the shotgun and wait by the side of the door. When it opens, the commandos will walk through the door one by one, allowing you to easily pick them off. Alternately, you can use some painkillers and Bullet Time to rush through the door and take them out quickly.

Be sure to open the lockers for a surplus of ammo and weapons.

Keep going, through the door in the back of the room. Travel past the reception desks and down left of them. Do not linger, commandos will come out in a search party looking for you. Take them out in their room to the right using Bullet Time, and collect the painkillers on the wall. Move through the next room and out a door into the hallway. Prepare yourself, there will be many commandos to put down shortly.

A second search party will come through the doors in the hallway to the right of where you entered, so be ready for them. Gun them down quickly, and be ready to use those painkillers. Keep walking towards the door next to the vending machine. If the commandos have not already left the room, gun down the gas canisters, as that will force them into the next room. After they explode, run towards the door in that room and shootdodge through it to take out the commandos on that side.

Keep Going, and you'll find a room with a working television set. You can watch a new episode of Lords and Ladies if you wish, but a set of commandos are heading up the stairs as you watch. Do not rush into the next room, as all six commandos will spot you and shoot you down. Walk through the door so that they spot you, but immediately retreat and let the door close. Equip a good close-range weapon, like a shotgun, and open fire as each of the commandos opens the door. Head down the stairs to the garage, where a heated gunfight is undergoing.

Upon entering the garage, take cover behind a car and pick off the commandos. This takes a little skill, but will prevail. Kill the guy that comes out of the door next to the van, and that's the end of the level.


Max heads to Woden's manor, where the two have a talk about the business with the cleaners. Alfred Woden explains that a rebellion has occured within the Inner Circle. While Max names his suspect, Vinnie Gognitti, Woden reveals the true man behind it all, Vladimir Lem. And then it all makes sense.

See also

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