Max Payne Wiki
Max Payne Wiki

"'The Things That I Want' by Max Payne. A smoke. A whiskey. For the sun to shine. I want to sleep, to forget. To change the past. My wife and baby girl back. Unlimited ammo and a license to kill. Right then, more than anything, I wanted her."
―Max Payne

The Things That I Want is the first chapter of Part II in Max Payne 2.


After a short car ride with Vladimir Lem, Max arrives at the funhouse, and sees Mona coming out of the nearby darkness. They head inside and become intimate, but they are interrupted by the Cleaners who seems to have followed Max to the run-down building. They make a run for the upstairs apartment, but the scaffolding breaks down beneath Max as they run, leaving Mona no choice but to leave Max behind and continue on to the apartment.

Max, working his way through the maze of backdrops and Cleaners, eventually makes it about half-way back through the attraction when Mona joins in and takes out a few Cleaners with her Dragunov. Max uses the opportunity to kill the rest of the Cleaners in the room, and continues through the funhouse until Mona opens a door leading backstage. Max heads through the door to the backdrop area again and takes out several more Cleaners.

A lone gunman bursts through a nearby door but Max is able to take him down, then Max goes out the door the assassin just came through to see two Squeaky Cleaning Company vans leaving. Noticing the second van's open back doors and no time to think, Max jumps into the back of the van as it speeds off. Riding along to an unknown destination, Payne realizes that he still has the radio that he and Mona previously used and, using the headset, he tells Mona that he's alright and that they can meet at his location when the van's driver reaches his destination.


Hidden Items[]

  • When the player first gains control of Max, kill the two Cleaners in front of him, then turn around and instead of going up the stairs to the left, go straight and to the left of the door that juts out of the ground, there is a small crate. Hop onto the crate and over the door and its angled structure to find a crate in the back full of Kalashnikovs and ammo.
  • Just after reaching the above location, when going up the stairs, go through the first doorway to find some Painkillers.
  • After reaching the place where Mona shoots the cleaners with her Dragunov, there are painkillers on some crates in the topmost corner of the scaffolding. But they are normally inaccessible. The player can use grenades to blast them away to the ground, or get to them by jumping while changing weapons whilst using the portion of the cutout that has fallen.


Interesting interactions with the funhouse and the Cleaners can be witnessed throughout the chapter:

  • When first going up some stairs at the beginning of the chapter, go through the first doorway and a nearby lever can be used to knock over stacks of fake crates which are rigged to freeze right above visitors instead of dropping to the ground. This scares Cleaners present there.
  • A little later, a pair of Cleaners can be heard arguing about going through a section of the attraction, with one being scared and the other one making fun of his partner’s fear.
  • Later on in the chapter, another pair of Cleaners can be heard discussing the ending of Address Unknown, with one spoiling the plot's ending to the other. A nearby lever can be used to control a giant syringe which crashes into the pair of Cleaners, either killing one or both of them.


Max Payne Chapters
The American Dream Prologue · Roscoe Street Station · Live from the Crime Scene · Playing It Bogart · The Blood Veins of New York · Let the Gun Do the Talking · Fear That Gives Men Wings · Police Brutality · Ragna Rock · An Empire of Evil
A Cold Day in Hell Prologue · The Baseball Bat · An Offer You Can't Refuse · With Rats and Oily Water · Put Out My Flames With Gasoline · Angel of Death
A Bit Closer to Heaven Prologue · Take Me to Cold Steel · Hidden Truths · The Deep Six · Backstabbing Bastard · In the Land of the Blind · Byzantine Power Game · Nothing to Lose · Pain and Suffering
The Darkness Inside Prologue · Elevator Doors · A Criminal Mastermind · The Depths of My Brain · No 'Us' in This · A Sign of Her Passage · A Linear Sequence of Scares · The Million Dollar Question
A Binary Choice Prologue · The Things that I Want · In the Middle of Something · Blowing Up · Routing Her Synapses · Out of the Window · The Genius of the Hole
Waking Up from the American Dream Prologue · Too Stubborn to Die · On a Crash Course · A Mob-War · Dearest of All My Friends · A Losing Game · There Are No Happy Endings · Love Hurts · That Old Familiar Feeling
Part I Something Rotten in the Air · Nothing But The Second Best · Just Another Day at the Office · Anyone Can Buy Me a Drink · Alive If Not Exactly Well
Part II A Dame, A Dork, and A Drunk · A Hangover Sent Direct from Mother Nature · Ain't No Reprievement Gonna Be Found Otherwise · Here I Was Again, Halfway Down the World · It's Drive or Shoot, Sister
Part III Sun Tan Oil, Stale Margaritas and Greed · The Great American Savior of the Poor · A Fat Bald Dude with a Bad Temper · One Card Left to Play