Max Payne Wiki


"Captain BaseBallBat-Boy has an unbeatable track record in superhero deathmatches."
―Captain BaseBallBat-Boy
The Adventures of Captain BaseBallBat-Boy Title

The Adventures of Captain BaseBallBat-Boy is an American comic book and television cartoon series created by Sammy Waters, detailing the experiences of the superhero Captain BaseBallBat-Boy.

The show airs in 2003 and is still broadcast as of 2012.


Captain BaseBallBat-Boy fights his arch-nemesis - Maxwell's Demon - who leads an evil army of "freaking zombie demons from outer space". BaseBallBat-Boy's friend is Bicycle Helmet Girl who could possibly be his girlfriend, even though the hero often says: "Yuck, she's not my girlfriend!"


Fans of the show


Vinnie Gognitti in a Captain BaseBallBat-Boy suit

  • Vinnie Gognitti was a huge fan of the cartoon. His house was full of fan items. His fandom eventually lead to his death, as Vladimir Lem, in his "Trojan Horse" plan, blew Gognitti up when he was in a Captain BaseBallBat-Boy costume rigged with explosives.
  • Frankie "The Bat" Niagara. Niagara's torturing style of beating his prisoners with a baseball bat might have been influenced by the cartoon.
  • Mike "The Cowboy" was also possibly a fan of the series. He stated to Max Payne: "Very good show, very funny baseball bat."
  • Wilson Da Silva was a fan of the series. He ditched Max at the imperial palace hotel just to go watch an episode at his Brazil apartment.
  • Giovanna hated the series because she was an idiot.
  • Becker, Bachmeyer, and Victor would gather together at the UF3 station partitioned glass office just to watch an episode.
  • Max Payne was sorta a fan, he liked it when he first watched it while at the bus station but was forced by Giovanna to get out.

Behind the scenes

The phrase "freaking zombie demons from outer space" featured in Max Payne 2 is from the original Max Payne game. When Max kills Jack Lupino inside the Ragna Rock nightclub, he is seen shooting Lupino multiple times, saying: "I wanted to make sure he dies. V is a horrible drug, turned them into friggin' zombie demons from outer space." There are also posters on the Ragna Rock walls advertising a music concert called "Zombie Demons From Outer Space".

