- For the achievement in Max Payne 3, see So Much For Being Subtle (Achievement).
- "Next stop: Roscoe Street Station, and Alex"
- ―Max Payne before stepping off the train
Roscoe Street Station is the first chapter of Part I in Max Payne.
One night, Max got a call from B.B., telling him to meet Alex Balder at the Roscoe Street Station, B.B. Max came to the train station during a snowstorm, realizing he had a bad feeling about the meeting.
He arrived to find that the gate to the main station was locked, which made Max more suspicious. He found a shotgun shell near the personnel locker room with bullet marks and blood drags to eventually finding the corpse of a transit cop. The discovery made Max to draw his Beretta and have to find Alex in the amidst of possible killers. He looted the lockers' room before leaving to find 2 mobsters at the train station, waiting to kill anyone stepping out the upcoming train. Max proceeded to kill the 2 mobsters and headed to the unlocked gate to find Alex.
He killed 4 more gangsters on the way to find a locked door to the security room and a passage to an abandoned section of the train station. Since the security room was locked, he headed down to the abandoned train station and killed more mobsters. He eavesdropped the mobsters to realize that a heist is going on. Unfortunately, the gate to the abandoned station was locked and, attempting to go through the rail lines, discovered it was also barricaded.
Max soon rescued a transit cop from a gangster and headed to the security room to contact help. However, the cop was immediately killed by gangsters inside the security room after unlocking the door for the agent, before being killed by Max. Soon after, he managed to power up the train in the abandoned station and used it to successfully ram the barricade, heading to the abandoned station.
- Max Payne
- Alex Balder (mentioned)
- B.B. (voice only)
- Transit Cop (ally, killed)
- Main article: Roscoe Street Station (Chapter)/Transcript
On the PS2/Xbox version, this chapter is divided into two sub-chapters: Roscoe Street Station and So Much for Being Subtle.
Obtainable Accomplishments[]
Complete 'Part I Chapter 1: Roscoe Street Station on any difficulty
- Down the stairs, past the first goon with a shotgun, turn right into a locker room. Follow the corridor and to the right is a locked door that says 'Maintenance on it. The door can be opened by shooting a gas canister under one of the lockers. Inside is a Desert Eagle with plenty of ammo.
- If the player abandons the Transit Cop without killing the mobster, a cutscene will play, showing the Transit Cop begging for his life, right before the mobster shoots and kills him. The mission will fail too.