Max Payne Wiki

"I was born into great fortune. Sometimes it feels like I have done nothing apart from being a rich man, in a poor country."
―Rodrigo to Max Payne.

Rodrigo Branco was a wealthy Brazilian businessman and a real estate mogul. He was Max Payne's and Raul Passos' boss in São Paulo in 2012, the older brother of Victor Branco and Marcelo Branco and the husband of Fabiana Branco.



"Built things, did some charity, had things named after him, won awards, owned things, people."
― Max Payne on the work of Rodrigo Branco

Nothing is known about Branco's background, except for the fact that he is very wealthy, lives in São Paulo, and works as a real estate mogul. Rodrigo worked closely with his younger sibilngs, Victor and Marcelo.

In March 2009, Rodrigo married Fabiana Branco. Despite being married to him, Fabiana mostly ignored Rodrigo, and spent much of her time partying with Marcelo.


In 2011, Rodrigo and his family were still targeted for the criminal activities of street gangs. Due to that, Rodrigo hired Max Payne and Raul Passos to be his bodyguards.

In 2012, Rodrigo and his family were targeted by the Comando Sombra at a rooftop cocktail party. Max managed to rescue Fabiana, who was being held hostage inside the building. Max also managed to stop the attempted kidnapping of Rodrigo, shooting out the tires of the Comando Sombra's getaway van in the parking garage, rescuing him.

Max then accompanied Marcelo, Fabiana, and Giovanna to Club Moderno. The Comando Sombra, once again, attempted to kidnap Fabiana. Max managed to save Giovanna, and Marcelo escaped. However, the Comando Sombra and their leader, "Serrano", successfully made away with Fabiana. Serrano sent a ransom letter to Rodrigo, who tasked Max to save Fabiana from the gang.


"You pay a couple of million dollars and you expect to... to push a button to... be able to make all your problems go away. All I got was some useless junk and a bit of false confidence."
―Rodrigo Branco, just before Fabricas Branco was infiltrated by the Crachá Preto

During the attack on the Branco family's headquarters, Rodrigo Branco was shot in the head during the commotion, by Armando Becker's right-hand man Bachmeyer. His company is later blown up, along with his remains.

Max later discovered that Passos was paid by Victor Branco to recruit him to protect Rodrigo and his family, in order to be the fall guy in Victor's plot to profit from the illegal sale of human organs. Despite this, Max was later able to avenge Rodrigo's death by killing Bachmeyer.


"Well, despite your good fortune you're still a decent man."
―Max Payne to Rodrigo Branco

Compared to his family members, Rodrigo was considerably kinder than his brothers, trying to do good things with his money through altruistic deeds like donating to charity and funding the city while bribing uncooperative politicians to help the people of Brazil. Compared to his spoiled brother Marcelo who would rather use the money to enjoy life, and his cruel brother Victor who wanted a more violent approach to end Brazil's poverty and be remembered as the man who cleaned the streets of Brazil, Rodrigo was a kind soul caught in the crosshairs of his brothers. Despite his trophy wife Fabiana Branco not loving him much, he does genuinely care for her enough that he willingly requested Max Payne and Raul Passos to send a ransom money with $3 million dollars in exchange for her life and even holding a picture of her in his business office affectionately and in his depressing tone despite knowing that she doesn't love him for his body.


