Max Payne 2 Developer is the special version of Max Payne 2 that can be accessed through adding the pathname "-developer" to the Max Payne 2 Shortcut.
The following shortcut pathnames can be added to the Max Payne 2 Shortcut:
NOTE: The following pathnames may not work on some copies of the game.
- -developer: Activates Developer Mode, which allows you see the games core input and output.
- -developerkeys: activates Developer Keys, which allows you access special functions that developerkeys doesn't allow. See Developer Key Functions below.
- -screenshot: Works with Developer Keys. Allows you to take screenshots with the F3 key.
- -window: Shows Max Payne 2 in a window rather than full screen.
- -skipstartup: Skips the intro for Max Payne 2 and goes straight to the loading screen
Developer Mode[]
In Developer Mode, you can access command functions via the tilde "~" key. The commands you can enter into the console (as it will be called) are as follows.
Code | Effect |
getallweapons | All Weapons |
clear | Clear console screen |
mortal | Disable God Mode |
getgraphicsnovelpart1 | Fill in part of the story line |
getgraphicsnovelpart2 | Fill in part of the story line |
getgraphicsnovelpart3 | Fill in part of the story line |
gethealth | Get 1000 Health |
getpainkillers | Get 1000 Painkillers |
getberetta | Get Beretta with 1000 ammo |
getcoltcommando | Get Colt Commando with 1000 ammo |
getdeserteagle | Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo |
getdragunov | Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo |
getingram | Get Ingram with 1000 ammo |
getkalashnikov | Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo |
getmolotov | Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo |
getmp5 | Get MP5 with 1000 ammo |
getpumpshotgun | Get Pump-action Shotgun with 1000 ammo |
getsawedshotgun | Get Sawed-off Shotgun with 1000 ammo |
getsniper | Get Sniper Gun with 1000 ammo |
getstriker | Get Striker Gun with 1000 ammo |
god | God Mode |
coder | God Mode, All Weapons, Health, Infinite Ammo |
jump10 | Jump 10 high |
jump20 | Jump 20 high |
jump30 | Jump 30 high |
help | Many more debug commands |
quit | Quit game |
getbullettime | Restores bullet time hourglass to full |
showextendedfps | Show Extended FPS Rate |
showfps | Show FPS Rate |
showhud | Show the HUD |
Developer Mode also yields being able to see script commands, output, and errors as they happen. Developer Mode has an example level good for testing the various commands.
Developer Keys[]
There are also key commands that access certain functions in-game.
Key | Effect |
[C] | Choose a Cameramode. Default is chase. Next one is free. Next is free with player control. |
[Page Up] | Cycle Mesh Up. (you change player model) |
[Page Down] | Cycle Mesh Down. (you change player model) |
[Ctrl] + [Page Up] | Cycle TextureSet Up. (you change player texture) |
[Ctrl] + [Page Down] | Cycle TextureSet Down. (you change player texture) |
[Home] | Increase game speed. |
[End] | Decrease game speed. |
[Home] + [End] | Set game speed to normal. |
[Insert] | Teleport Max to next start point. |
[Delete] | Teleport Max to previous start point. |
[F7] | Switches AI Movement Network Conn Visualization. |
[F8] | Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization. |
[F11] | Toggle Statistics ON/OFF. |
[F12] | Open console. |
[Cursor Left] | External camera left. |
[Cursor Right] | External camera right. |
[Cursor Up] | External camera forward. |
[Cursor Down] | External camera backward. |
[Keypad 3] or [Keypad 9] | Change character model and weapon availability. |
[Keypad 0] | Cycle through chapter locations. |
[F3] | Screenshot (requires -screenshot to run) |
[F4] | Show wireframe. |