Max Payne Wiki

Max Payne 2 Developer is the special version of Max Payne 2 that can be accessed through adding the pathname "-developer" to the Max Payne 2 Shortcut.

The following shortcut pathnames can be added to the Max Payne 2 Shortcut:

NOTE: The following pathnames may not work on some copies of the game.

  • -developer: Activates Developer Mode, which allows you see the games core input and output.
  • -developerkeys: activates Developer Keys, which allows you access special functions that developerkeys doesn't allow. See Developer Key Functions below.
  • -screenshot: Works with Developer Keys. Allows you to take screenshots with the F3 key.
  • -window: Shows Max Payne 2 in a window rather than full screen.
  • -skipstartup: Skips the intro for Max Payne 2 and goes straight to the loading screen

Developer Mode[]

In Developer Mode, you can access command functions via the tilde "~" key. The commands you can enter into the console (as it will be called) are as follows.


Code Effect
getallweapons All Weapons
clear Clear console screen
mortal Disable God Mode
getgraphicsnovelpart1 Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart2 Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart3 Fill in part of the story line
gethealth Get 1000 Health
getpainkillers Get 1000 Painkillers
getberetta Get Beretta with 1000 ammo
getcoltcommando Get Colt Commando with 1000 ammo
getdeserteagle Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo
getdragunov Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo
getingram Get Ingram with 1000 ammo
getkalashnikov Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo
getmolotov Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo
getmp5 Get MP5 with 1000 ammo
getpumpshotgun Get Pump-action Shotgun with 1000 ammo
getsawedshotgun Get Sawed-off Shotgun with 1000 ammo
getsniper Get Sniper Gun with 1000 ammo
getstriker Get Striker Gun with 1000 ammo
god God Mode
coder God Mode, All Weapons, Health, Infinite Ammo
jump10 Jump 10 high
jump20 Jump 20 high
jump30 Jump 30 high
help Many more debug commands
quit Quit game
getbullettime Restores bullet time hourglass to full
showextendedfps Show Extended FPS Rate
showfps Show FPS Rate
showhud Show the HUD

Developer Mode also yields being able to see script commands, output, and errors as they happen. Developer Mode has an example level good for testing the various commands.

Developer Keys[]

There are also key commands that access certain functions in-game.

Key Effect
[C] Choose a Cameramode. Default is chase. Next one is free. Next is free with player control.
[Page Up] Cycle Mesh Up. (you change player model)
[Page Down] Cycle Mesh Down. (you change player model)
[Ctrl] + [Page Up] Cycle TextureSet Up. (you change player texture)
[Ctrl] + [Page Down] Cycle TextureSet Down. (you change player texture)
[Home] Increase game speed.
[End] Decrease game speed.
[Home] + [End] Set game speed to normal.
[Insert] Teleport Max to next start point.
[Delete] Teleport Max to previous start point.
[F7] Switches AI Movement Network Conn Visualization.
[F8] Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization.
[F11] Toggle Statistics ON/OFF.
[F12] Open console.
[Cursor Left] External camera left.
[Cursor Right] External camera right.
[Cursor Up] External camera forward.
[Cursor Down] External camera backward.
[Keypad 3] or [Keypad 9] Change character model and weapon availability.
[Keypad 0] Cycle through chapter locations.
[F3] Screenshot (requires -screenshot to run)
[F4] Show wireframe.

See Also[]
