Max Payne Wiki

For this weapon as it appears in Max Payne and Max Payne 2, see Ingram.
"The M10 is a compact machine pistol. It's modest power and accuracy are forgivable when you experience its increased fire rate and ammo capacity."
―Social Club description

The M10 is an SMG in Max Payne 3.


The Ingram from previous titles makes a return in 3 as the M10, and as before is an extremely fast-firing machine pistol that can be dual-wielded, this time with any other one-handed weapon instead of just another instance of itself.

The M10 is primarily seen in the New Jersey flashback levels being used by the DeMarco Crime Family, with the Micro 9mm serving as the primary machine pistol used by the factions in Brazil.



The M10 is unlocked at rank 1, and is featured in the Snitch preset loadout.


Icon Name Slot Effect Unlock
Attach suppressor Suppressor Barrel Silences shots
−− Range
+ Weight
Level 4
Attach compensator Compensator Barrel + Accuracy
+ Weight
Level 3
Attach barrel Barrel Upgrade Barrel ++ Range
+ Weight
Level 8
Attach lasersight Laser Sight Underslung + Accuracy
+ Weight
Level 2
Attach extended mag Extended Mag Underslung + Ammo
+ Weight
Level 5
Attach gasblock Gas Block Internal −− Weight Level 7
Attach gaskit Gas Systems Kit Internal + Damage
+ Weight
Level 9
Attach gold Gold Plating Tint Colors the weapon gold Collect all golden parts
Attach chrome Chrome Plating Tint Colors the weapon silver Connect to Social Club
Dualwieldicon Dual-wielding - Allows this weapon to be equipped twice in a loadout Level 6


Icon Grind Objective Requirement XP Award
KILLSWITHMAC10 Tools of the Trade Kills with M10 50
HEADSHOTSWITHMAC10 Dead Reckoning Headshots with M10 10


M10 Golden Gun Parts Video[]


Max Payne 3 Golden Gun Guide - M10

Behind the Scenes[]

While the weapon only appears in the hands of DeMarco mobsters during normal gameplay, Max picks up and uses the only M10 in Brazil for the bus ride setpiece in Chapter 10. Interestingly, Max appears to obtain the weapon from a Crachá Preto member he guns down, but in the prior cutscene, the member is clearly wielding a Micro 9mm, and on closer inspection, said Micro 9mm is still on the ground as he picks up the M10, leaving one to wonder where exactly the M10 materialized from.

Weapons in Max Payne 3
Pistols White 38 revolver.38 Revolver2 ·White colt 191119112 ·White taurus 608608 Bull2 ·
White glock18Auto 9mm2 ·White deserteagleDE .502 ·White taurus pt92PT922
Shotguns White gpshotgun(Hammerhead) · White benelli m3 M4 Super 90 · White mossberg 590 M500 ·
White doubleshotgunSawn Off2 · White franchi 15 SPAS-15 · White shotgun Super Sport
Submachine guns White mac 10M102 ·White beretta pm12M9722 ·White miniuziMicro 9mm2 · White hk mp5MPK ·White famaeSAF .40
Assault rifles White ak47AK-47 · White fn fal FAL ·White hk g36kG6 Commando · Weap imbel ia2 white (IA2 AR) · Weap galil white (IMG 5.56) ·
Weap m4assault white (M4 Assault) · White imbel md97 MD-97L · White ruger mini 30 Mini-30 · Weap tar white (UAR-21)
Sniper rifles White hk sg1 FMP G3S · Weap m24 white (M24) · White barret m82 M82A1
Machine guns White hk 21e LMG .30 · White rpd RPD
Launchers White grenadelauncher (G9) · White law LAW · White rotary grenade Rotary Grenade Launcher · White rpg (RPG)
Projectiles Weap grenade betty white (Bouncing Betty) ·White grenade flash(Flash Grenade) ·White grenade he(Grenade) ·White molotov(Molotov) ·
White grenade smoke(Smoke Grenade) ·White grenade gas(Tear Gas) ·White grenade tincan(Tin Can)
Other Weap cattleprod white(Cattle Prod)2 ·Weap nightstick white(Night Stick)2 ·Weap pepperspray white(Pepper Spray)2 ·Weap stungun white(Stun Gun)2
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.
(Parentheses) indicates that a weapon is only usable in multiplayer.
Italics indicates that a weapon is added by downloadable content.