Max Payne Wiki

Lupino's Apartment Complex was a complex of apartment blocks owned by Jack Lupino in 2001.


Lupino's Apartment Complex consisted of at least three run-down, with damaged cellings, destroyed walls and lack of electricity in some parts, apartment buildings which all of them had approximately six floors. The buildings were located in a mob-controlled part of town at the time, which made it easy for Lupino and his underlings to use the tenements as a hub for criminal activities as well as a temporary shelter for mobsters and junkies. By the time of Max's arrival the main building was rigged with bombs which some of them exploded after a tanker exploded near the complex causing a chain reaction of explosions which greatly damaged the building.

Jack Lupino's apartment was located on the sixth floor of the main building which was far better decorated than any other apartments found in the complex.

Weapons Located[]


A mobsters were found watching an episode of Address Unknown on the TV in the adjacent apartment block devoid of any lights when Max left another aparment block with the elevator by entering the rooftop. Additional, NYNN news report with Kyra Silver was also playing on one television in one apartment with the elevator.



