Max Payne Wiki
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Luigi's Laundry is a laundrette forming a part of the Mafia's controlled apartment complex where Vinnie Gognitti's office is.

It is run by the Mafia and appears to be an ordinary laundrette but also a location for illegal gambling.

It consists of a front desk area, a room filled with washers, a back room with a cards table in it, and there is also an elevator leading up to higher floors.

During his 2001 quest of revenge, Max Payne must gain access to the elevator inside the laundry to reach Gognitti, but the doorman does not let him in. He soon finds a man in a nearby abandoned apartment building who knows the occupants and

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takes him hostage to get inside. After telling the password to enter the establishment, the particular individual proves to be a thug working alongside the mobsters inside and is killed by Payne in the subsequent shooting.

The password to enter the laundrette is "John Woo", a name of a movie director.

