Max Payne Wiki
Max Payne Wiki

The Lead Pipe is a weapon in Max Payne.


The Lead Pipe is a rather short piece of metal, used as an improvised combat instrument. It deals relatively little damage, but is swung fast. It requires the user to approach the intended target to a very close distance, this way dangerously exposing the bearer to any incoming attacks. The armament is weaker than the Baseball Bat, as it has a shorter reach and deals less damage. This rudimentary weapon is primarily used to break open containers without wasting ammunition, or as a last resort option in combat if the the player runs out of ammo.

Max Payne starts with the pipe in Part I and Part III; it can never be picked up in-game. In Part II, only the baseball bat is available as a melee weapon. The only NPC that uses this weapon is a mobster in the chapter Fear That Gives Men Wings.


Weapons in Max Payne
Melee Baseball Bat · Lead Pipe
Pistols Beretta2 · Desert Eagle
Shotguns Jackhammer · Pump-Action Shotgun · Sawed-Off Shotgun
SMG Ingram2
Assault Rifle Colt Commando
Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Launcher M79
Projectiles Grenade · Molotov Cocktail
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.