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The Killer Suits are Nicole Horne's personal hitmen and bodyguards, working for the Aesir Corporation. They make up the primary opposition of Part III of Max Payne: A Bit Closer to Heaven.


Killer Suits wear dark business suits in varying colors, paired with dark sunglasses and earpieces. Their tone is deep, cold, and professional; pairing well with their use of high-grade weaponry like the Colt Commando, Jackhammer, and M79 Grenade Launcher, though they also make use of some of the earlier weapons found in the game like Pump Action Shotguns, Ingram machine pistols, and even the Beretta and Desert Eagle.

Garage killertrenchcoat carnuke

An alternate type of Killer Suit also exists, referred to as a Killer Trenchcoat in the game files. Referred to by Max as BB's paid thugs and implied to be mob cast-offs, they wear trenchcoats and have the same dialogue as mobsters. They also use similar weaponry, though in addition to the above they also make use of the Sniper Rifle during the attack on the Asgard building. This variant only appears in 2 levels: Backstabbing Bastard and Byzantine Power Game.

As expected for an endgame enemy, the Killer Suits (and the Killer Trenchcoats) have very high durability and very good aim, especially compared to the mobsters and Mercenaries. Similar to Aesir Security, they make extensive use of dodge-rolls and do so more than any other enemy type, making them harder to hit. This, combined with their high health that allows them to tank several shots from the Colt Commando, makes them the most threatening enemies in the game (minus bosses).


Before 2001[]

It is unknown when the Killer Suits were formed, but they were likely formed after 1995 after disbandment of Project Valhalla and Nicole's formation of Aesir Corporation. The faction is composed of highly trained special agents who have worked with other agencies such as the FBI or CIA or have significant combat experience. They are paid astronomically well with some of them liking the job due to being able to see a lot of action, unlike their previous work.

They served as Nicole's bodyguards and were also dispatched by them to eliminate enemies and dispose of loose ends. It is unknown what actions they have done in the past but they are portrayed to be an elite and professional force not to be trifled with.

Angel of Death and A Bit Closer to Heaven[]

Since Nicole's hitman, Mona Sax, failed to kill Angelo Punchinello, the Killer Suits and Nicole herself went to the Punchinello Manor by helicopter to personally kill the Mafia Don. With Max Payne killing Punchinello's bodyguards including the infamous Trio, the Killer Suits were able to enter the manor with ease. Three Killer Suits arrived at Punchinello's office and killed him, but were killed by Max Payne who was at the scene.

Angelofdeath killersuits

Nicole and additional Killer Suits soon cornered Max Payne and Nicole personally injected Valkyr into his body and left him for dead. After setting the mansion on fire to eliminate evidence, Nicole then ordered the Killer Suits to take her to Cold Steel, the Valkyr factory where Project Valhalla was located.

The Killer Suits weren't present during Max's attack on Cold Steel except for two agents who remained behind to oversee Operation Dead Eyes. These two Killer Suits activate the factory's self-destruct in response to Max reaching Project Valhalla, then execute the Mercenary commander when he objects to blowing up the factory with his men still inside. However, they are killed by Max Payne immediately afterwards.

Killer Suits later helped B.B., a corrupt DEA agent and Aesir informant to escape from Max Payne and tried to kill Max, but all the agents in the garage were killed including B.B. They also joined the Mercenaries to kill the Inner Circle and Max Payne, but Alfred Woden, the head of the Inner Circle, faked his death and Max Payne escaped Asgard Building while killing many Mercenaries and Killer Suits.

Nothing to Lose and Pain and Suffering[]

With Max Payne still continuing his rampage with the intent to track down and kill Nicole Horne to avenge his family, the remaining Killer Suits retreated to the Aesir Headquarters to supply the Aesir Security guards with additional assistance.

Aesir killersuitcontrolroom

Immediately becoming aware of his presence thanks to the metal detectors in the lobby tripping the security alert system, large groups of Killer Suits, with the help of Aesir Security, made repeated attempts to ambush and kill Max as he ascended the Headquarters in search of the server room. Despite their heavy weaponry and ambushes, Max repeatedly managed to get through them and eventually reached Nicole Horne's penthouse, where the last contingent was preparing to make their final attempt to stop him from reaching her.

Max slaughters his way through the penthouse while being pursued and ambushed by both the Killer Suits and a helicopter piloted by Aesir Security, with the Suits beginning to panic as Horne scolds them for being unable to kill a single man. With Max pressing onto the rooftop and successfully knocking the mast onto Horne's helicopter to kill her, whoever remained of the Killer Suits was likely arrested by the NYPD when they arrived at the HQ to arrest Max.


  • The Killer Suits, particularly the ones in dark business suits and sunglasses, could be a reference to the Agents from the 1999 science-fiction-action film, The Matrix.
  • Some Killer Suits are heard saying that they only kill as a regular 9 to 5 job, and therefore show no loyalty to Aesir - killing only for money.
  • During Max's assault on the Aesir Headquarters during Nothing to Lose, two Killer Suits can be heard discussing the concept of Bullet Time.
    • "You know what I'm talking about. In all the cool action movies, and I'm talking about the coolest of the cool, it always seems like time slows down in the middle of the action. You know, you can see the bullets flying through the air. The hero dodging in slow motion ... oh man, it would be so cool to be able to do that. Bullet Time! That's what they call it. Bullet time ... yeah, would be so cool."
  • During Pain and Suffering, the Killer Suits can be heard beginning to actually panic once Max begins to overwhelm their defenses, yelling into their earpieces for backup whenever initially spotting Max instead of their usual dialogue.
  • The two Killer Suits wielding a M79 Grenade Launcher and a Sniper Rifle on the Aesir rooftop are likely a failsafe to ensure that the player always has enough ammo to destroy the mast.
  • It is unlikely that "Killer Suits" are the in-universe name for them. It is only what Max and the game files refer to them as.
  • If a Killer Suit member is killed by a Grenade and M79 Grenade Launcher, they share the same death sound from Punchinello's thugs.
    • Like the same way, but if they killed by a Molotov Cocktail, they share the Punchinello's thugs death sounds when they on fire.

