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For this weapon as it appears in Max Payne 3, see AK-47.

The Kalashnikov, is a rifle appearing in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.


The Kalashnikov is an assault rifle of Soviet origin. It boasts a moderate rate of fire, and a 30-round magazine.

It carries a higher damage-per-shot than the slightly less common M4 Carbine, the only other assault rifle in the game. However, the AK's fire rate and ammo capacity maintains its role as a deadly rifle. Despite these traits, the AK does not carry the accuracy advantage of the M4.

As it is often carried by the Cleaners, the player is consistently able to get ahold of ammunition for the Kalashnikov, which makes resupplies for it more plentiful than the M4, which uses a different cartridge.

The Kalashnikov typically kills in two or three hits. Headshots are relatively common since the gun is reliably accurate at closer ranges.



Behind the scenes[]

  • "Kalashnikov" is an alternative name of the AK-47 rifle, "AK" expanding to "Avtomat Kalashnikova" ("Kalashnikov's automatic rifle"); it is named after its creator Mikhail Kalashnikov.
  • While the name implies otherwise, sharp eyes can identify that the gun in game is actually a Chinese Type 56, a clone of the Soviet rifle. It can be identified by its hooded front sight. One likely reason for this is that Type 56s are (for the most part) more common in the Western Hemisphere than genuine AKs are, and it is frequently used in media as a stand-in for either the AK-47 or later AKM.
Pistols 9mm Pistol2 · Desert Eagle2
Shotguns Pump-Action Shotgun · Sawed-Off Shotgun · Striker
SMGs Ingram2 · MP5
Assault Rifles Kalashnikov · M4 Carbine
Sniper Rifles Dragunov · Sniper Rifle
Projectiles Grenade · Molotov Cocktail
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.