- "Here I was again, halfway down the world, and still looking at the bodies of women I was supposed to protect."
- ―Max Payne.
Here I Was Again, Halfway Down the World is the ninth chapter in Max Payne 3.
After the Comando Sombra leader Serrano executes Fabiana, Max is filled with despair after failing to save the woman he was suppose to protect. While a CS member curses at Max, Max tricks him by looking on his left at the same time a gang member looks on his right. Max then angrily disarms the Comando Sombra thug then knocks him out as he leaves the hideout. Max then discovers that the Unidade de Forcas Especiais had started a massive raid on the Nova Esperança favela. While on his way through the favela he discovers that UFE are killing and kidnapping the residents of the favela. Max soon a begins fire fight with a couple of UFE members. After the gun fight, Max then sneaks past the patrols and hides in a favela but unfortunately, he was immediately robbed by two gang members who were armed with a machete who confiscated all the weapons that he had then run from Max. Later on, the two were killed by an UFE armored personnel carrier. Unable to go through that route, Max finds an alternative and heads on.
After Max stealthily made his way throughout the slums, he soon finds Giovanna and Marcelo (with an gunshot wound as Serrano shot him in the leg in the second previous mission) being taken and threatened by two UFE officers. Later, Max soon discovers that the Crachá Preto and the UFE have a deal of organ harvesting with the second-in-command of the two organizations Milo Rego and Bachmeyer attending.
After the deal, Max follows Rego where Giovanna and Marcelo are held. Rego orders one of his men to burn Marcelo to death. After witnessing this, Max comes in and quickly knocks the member unconscious and confronts Milo who pulls out his machete. As Max begins to fight Rego, Max gains the upper hand by disarming and beating Rego to the ground, before forcing the machete into his neck, killing him. Max and Giovanna desperately watch Marcelo burn to death as it was too late to save him. Then they hide from Álvaro Neves, the Crachá Preto leader, who finds his friend who had been killed by Max.
- Max Payne
- Fabiana Branco (Corpse only)
- Bachmeyer
- Marcelo Branco
- Giovanna Taveres
- Milo Rego (Boss fight)
- Alvaro Neves
- Arthur Fischer (TV appearance only)
- Serrano
- Marcelo Branco - Burned alive by a Cracha Preto member.
- Milo Rego - Sliced in the neck with a machete by Max Payne for the killing of Marcelo Branco.
Mission Failure[]
The mission will fail if Max:
- Dies;
- Fails to shoot rocket, leading to death;
- Fails to kill Rego, leading to death.
Special Fail Scenes[]
- Failing to shoot rocket on roof - The rocket will hit Max and blow him up.
- Failing first two QTE prompts while fighting Rego - Max will be struck in the neck by Rego with his machete.
- Failing last two QTE prompts while fighting Rego - Max will be shot in the chest by Rego.
- PT92
- G6 Commando
- M972
- At the beginning if you look at Serrano's house, you can't see Fabiana's corpse and the gang member.
- Although its not required to shoot the rocket in air, if shot a bullet cam will triggered.
- You can also kill two UFE and two gang members at the beginning from Serrano's house but they won't respond to Max.
- One of the UFE members will throw a tear gas if Max doesn't kill him. If the tears gas hit Max, he won't lose health but after a few seconds he will be dead.
- Serrano can be seen in the police van when Bachmeyer and Rego carry out the exchange.
- Strangely enough, the chapter begins around 7:19 pm in the evening, but when Max first arrived in the favela, it was roughly 1:15 pm, implying that it took Max roughly the span of six hours to reach Serrano’s home. This is contradictory as the chapter gameplay takes up to roughly around half an hour to an hour.