Max Payne Wiki

"The Hammerhead Auto Shotgun retains the essential elements of the semi-automatic combat shotgun class: hefty weight, short range, maximum damage. However, not only is it able to match the SPAS-15's impressive rate of fire, but it has an 18 capacity magazine that will never leave you stranded in the middle of a close quarters shootout."
―Social Club description

The Hammerhead is a shotgun in Max Payne 3, exclusive to the multiplayer mode via the Disorderly Conduct DLC pack.


Icon Name Slot Effect Unlock
Attach barrel Barrel Upgrade Barrel ++ Range
+ Weight
Level 7
Attach lasersight Laser Sight Underslung + Accuracy
+ Weight
Level 2
Attach gasblock Gas Block Internal −− Weight Level 5
Attach gaskit Gas Systems Kit Internal + Damage
+ Weight
Level 3
Attach gold Gold Plating Tint Colors the weapon gold Level 10
Attach chrome Chrome Plating Tint Colors the weapon silver Connect to Social Club

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Hammerhead is one of the few fictional guns in Max Payne 3. It appears to be a hybrid of two different auto-shotguns, being modelled after the Pancor Jackhammer's general appearance, but its stock and action appear to be based on the Daewoo USAS-12.
  • Like the other pre-order DLC weapons, it does not have any Grinds associated with it.

Weapons in Max Payne 3
Pistols White 38 revolver.38 Revolver2 ·White colt 191119112 ·White taurus 608608 Bull2 ·
White glock18Auto 9mm2 ·White deserteagleDE .502 ·White taurus pt92PT922
Shotguns White gpshotgun(Hammerhead) · White benelli m3 M4 Super 90 · White mossberg 590 M500 ·
White doubleshotgunSawn Off2 · White franchi 15 SPAS-15 · White shotgun Super Sport
Submachine guns White mac 10M102 ·White beretta pm12M9722 ·White miniuziMicro 9mm2 · White hk mp5MPK ·White famaeSAF .40
Assault rifles White ak47AK-47 · White fn fal FAL ·White hk g36kG6 Commando · Weap imbel ia2 white (IA2 AR) · Weap galil white (IMG 5.56) ·
Weap m4assault white (M4 Assault) · White imbel md97 MD-97L · White ruger mini 30 Mini-30 · Weap tar white (UAR-21)
Sniper rifles White hk sg1 FMP G3S · Weap m24 white (M24) · White barret m82 M82A1
Machine guns White hk 21e LMG .30 · White rpd RPD
Launchers White grenadelauncher (G9) · White law LAW · White rotary grenade Rotary Grenade Launcher · White rpg (RPG)
Projectiles Weap grenade betty white (Bouncing Betty) ·White grenade flash(Flash Grenade) ·White grenade he(Grenade) ·White molotov(Molotov) ·
White grenade smoke(Smoke Grenade) ·White grenade gas(Tear Gas) ·White grenade tincan(Tin Can)
Other Weap cattleprod white(Cattle Prod)2 ·Weap nightstick white(Night Stick)2 ·Weap pepperspray white(Pepper Spray)2 ·Weap stungun white(Stun Gun)2
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.
(Parentheses) indicates that a weapon is only usable in multiplayer.
Italics indicates that a weapon is added by downloadable content.