Max Payne Wiki
Max Payne Wiki

The Grenade is a throwable explosive weapon seen in Max Payne, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, and Max Payne 3.


Max Payne[]

Grenades are simple but powerful thrown explosive weapons. They are best used for taking out large groups of enemies and for throwing around corners at unseen foes. It is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, capable of taking out all non-boss enemies in a single blast; also, enemies do not run or take cover when they see one thrown at them. These explosives are fairly rare for the most of the game. Grenades are a primary weapon in Max Payne, that is, no other weapon can be held when Max throws a grenade.

Max Payne 2[]

In Max Payne 2, grenades are now secondary weapons that can be thrown by pressing the secondary attack button rather than switching to them manually. The grenades are similarly powerful as in the first game (although the blast radius is slightly smaller), and the enemy artificial intelligence will now order them to run for cover when they detect a thrown explosive; however, a direct throw that hits them will cause them to flinch and the grenade will always go off before they have time to escape. Grenades can also be used to force enemies out of cover, allowing for easy pickings.

Grenades can be thrown while zoomed in with a scope. The aiming can be disorienting at first, but, with practice, throwing grenades to flush enemies out of hiding spots can be invaluable when used in conjunction with a Sniper Rifle.

Max Payne 3[]

In Max Payne 3 singleplayer, some enemies can throw grenades at Max and can be shot down by the player. However, they are not usable in singleplayer. Grenades do appear in multiplayer however, and any player wielding Grenades can use them against enemies, but one should be aware that they do not have incredible range due to lack of throwing strength.

Behind the Scenes[]

Weapons in Max Payne
Melee Baseball Bat · Lead Pipe
Pistols Beretta2 · Desert Eagle
Shotguns Jackhammer · Pump-Action Shotgun · Sawed-Off Shotgun
SMG Ingram2
Assault Rifle Colt Commando
Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Launcher M79
Projectiles Grenade · Molotov Cocktail
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.

Pistols 9mm Pistol2 · Desert Eagle2
Shotguns Pump-Action Shotgun · Sawed-Off Shotgun · Striker
SMGs Ingram2 · MP5
Assault Rifles Kalashnikov · M4 Carbine
Sniper Rifles Dragunov · Sniper Rifle
Projectiles Grenade · Molotov Cocktail
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.

Weapons in Max Payne 3
Pistols White 38 revolver.38 Revolver2 ·White colt 191119112 ·White taurus 608608 Bull2 ·
White glock18Auto 9mm2 ·White deserteagleDE .502 ·White taurus pt92PT922
Shotguns White gpshotgun(Hammerhead) · White benelli m3 M4 Super 90 · White mossberg 590 M500 ·
White doubleshotgunSawn Off2 · White franchi 15 SPAS-15 · White shotgun Super Sport
Submachine guns White mac 10M102 ·White beretta pm12M9722 ·White miniuziMicro 9mm2 · White hk mp5MPK ·White famaeSAF .40
Assault rifles White ak47AK-47 · White fn fal FAL ·White hk g36kG6 Commando · Weap imbel ia2 white (IA2 AR) · Weap galil white (IMG 5.56) ·
Weap m4assault white (M4 Assault) · White imbel md97 MD-97L · White ruger mini 30 Mini-30 · Weap tar white (UAR-21)
Sniper rifles White hk sg1 FMP G3S · Weap m24 white (M24) · White barret m82 M82A1
Machine guns White hk 21e LMG .30 · White rpd RPD
Launchers White grenadelauncher (G9) · White law LAW · White rotary grenade Rotary Grenade Launcher · White rpg (RPG)
Projectiles Weap grenade betty white (Bouncing Betty) ·White grenade flash(Flash Grenade) ·White grenade he(Grenade) ·White molotov(Molotov) ·
White grenade smoke(Smoke Grenade) ·White grenade gas(Tear Gas) ·White grenade tincan(Tin Can)
Other Weap cattleprod white(Cattle Prod)2 ·Weap nightstick white(Night Stick)2 ·Weap pepperspray white(Pepper Spray)2 ·Weap stungun white(Stun Gun)2
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.
(Parentheses) indicates that a weapon is only usable in multiplayer.
Italics indicates that a weapon is added by downloadable content.