The Comando Sombra (Portuguese for Shadow Command), also known as the CS, was one of the most powerful criminal gangs in São Paulo. They were a major distributor of drugs like Cocaine, Methamphetamine and MDMA in Sao Paulo state and responsible for assaulting and kidnapping government officials. The gang was highly organized and dangerous under the leadership of Serrano. They are one of the first of the main antagonistic factions Max engages with until Chapter 8 where their control in Nova Esperança disappears.
The gang was ultimately weakened by the UFE after an attack on the Nova Esperança which left the organization in shambles with many members killed or captured with Serrano himself captured. Purgatópolis is the only favela stronghold left under CS's control.
Early history[]
Comando Sombra (CS) were formed in the mid 1990s as a splinter branch of a prison gang, with the gang continuing to maintain strong prison connections. Serrano joined the gang in the late '90s and is responsible for growing the Comando Sombra from a street gang into a city-wide criminal organization. Many of the hitmen the gang are either from the favela or are former convicts. CS use radical rhetoric to gain support and promote anti-establishment beliefs within the favelas. They are also at war with Tropa Z, a local favela gang in Nova Esperança. CS are extremely powerful as they are the major drug trafficker in Sao Paulo state and also have various networks of favelas in Sao Paulo.
The gang were violent towards police and government officials in the 2000s with 450 police officers killed since 2005. In June 2009, CS coordinated riots against government buildings and were responsible for high profile kidnapping and contract killings of government officials.
Events of Max Payne 3[]
CS are the main antagonistic group in the first half of the game as they plotted to kidnap the Branco family for ransom money and also presumably to spite Victor Branco who supported UFE and the Cracha Preto, enemies of Comando Sombra. The attempted abduction of Fabiana Branco at the party was foiled by Max Payne, a recent recruited bodyguard of the Branco family. CS did however succeed in kidnapping Fabiana Branco in a nightclub but failed to recapture Fabiana's sister Giovanna with nearly 80 of them killed in the attempt.
CS then demanded $3M US Dollars for Fabiana's safety and sent 20 men to oversee the deal with the Brancos' representatives, Payne and Passos in the Galatians FC Stadium. However, the deal was highjacked by a militia , Cracha Preto, who sought to steal the ransom money for themselves. The CS gang members involved were killed and the money stolen by Cracha Preto. CS became distrustful of the Brancos and demanded an extra $2M in ransom money. The Brancos managed to learn the location of Fabiana, and Payne and Passos attempted a rescue attempt, which narrowly failed due their boat failing them whilst in pursuit. CS again suffered massive casualties with nearly 100 men killed, their base attacked and many of their vehicles destroyed.
Fabiana was then taken to CS's main base of operations at Nova Esperança, at the top of the favela's hill. Giovanna and Marcelo went to negotiate with CS along with money to pay for Fabiana's safe return, this plan backfired, and they also ended up being taken as hostages. Meanwhile, Payne attempted another rescue, (meeting Wilson Da Silva along the way), before his tenuous 'cover' was blown, with another firefight ensuing, with the entire CS contingent in the favela trying to kill Payne. As Payne made it to the top he was ambushed and disarmed by Serrano's men. Serrano then killed Fabiana in front of Giovanna, Marcelo and Payne. Serrano then left just as the UFE launched a favela wide raid, which culminated in many CS enforcers being killed or captured, the latter being Serrano's fate. Payne managed to disarm one of Serrano's men but had to go through the UFE to make his own way out of the Favela, having to endure seeing Marcelo's grisly death as he did so, but ultimately rescuing Giovanna.
This affair severely weakened Comando Sombra as they were left with only one favela stronghold in Purgatoplis. Their fate moving forward is unknown.
Their current status is unknown.
Equipment and tactics[]
CS enforcers do not have a uniform appearance, wearing an assortment of light hot-weather street clothing. Unlike more heavily armed factions such as the Crachá Preto or UFE, they lack body armor or grenades. During the attacks on the Branco penthouse and high-rise nightclub, they wear ski masks to conceal their identity.
The Comando Sombra use a wide assortment of mixed weaponry. Their most commonly used weapon is the Micro 9mm machine pistol. Many hitmen are equipped with lower-end weapons, such as .38 Revolvers and PT92 handguns, Sawn Off Shotguns, or M500 shotguns. A few members carry 608 Bull revolvers or DE .50 handguns. However, unlike the Punchinello Crime Family or the DeMarco Crime Family, Comando Sombra have ready access to military-grade full-auto weaponry, with many hitmen carrying FAL and AK-47 assault rifles or M4 Super 90 shotguns.
During the assaults on the Branco penthouse and high-rise nightclub, CS typically use concealable weapons, with most carrying pistols or Micro 9mms with the occasional M500 shotgun. They are more heavily armed defending their home turf at the docks and favela, with many equipped with assault rifles or Micro 9mms and the occasional M500 shotgun, and only a few carrying handguns, typically 608 Bull revolvers.
Known members[]
- Serrano - Leader
- Dani - Soldier
- The 55 Unidade de Forças Especiais' intelligence lists several areas of control formerly under Comando Sombra. Besides Nova Esperanca, these locations remain unvisited, though one of them may be the CS site on the Tiete River. The locations are Morro de Abutre (Vulture's Nose), Pennasquinho, and Vila de Beija-Flor (Hummingbird Village). One location still under CS control is called Purgatópolis (roughly Purgatory City).
Behind the scenes[]
Comando Sombra is inspired by the real-life criminal gang/narco-terrorist organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (Portuguese for First Command of the Capital), or simply PCC, which was responsible for a series of attacks against the São Paulo Police Force in 2006. It is also inspired by Rio de Janeiro's Comando Vermelho (Portuguese for Red Command).
- Max Payne 3
- Something Rotten in the Air
- Nothing but the Second Best
- Just Another Day at the Office
- Alive If Not Exactly Well
- A Hangover Sent Direct from Mother Nature
- Here I Was Again, Halfway Down the World
- The Great American Savior of The Poor (Prisoners)
- A Fat Bald Dude with a Bad Temper (Possible appearance)
- One Card Left to Play (Mentioned only)
- Max Payne 3 Multiplayer