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Max Payne Wiki

The Colt Commando is a weapon in Max Payne. It is replaced by the M4 Carbine in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.


The Colt Commando is a fully-automatic assault carbine that is fed by 30-round magazines, making it one of the best weapons later in the game.

Although it fires in fully-auto, it is accurate enough to perform at longer ranges and its moderate rate of fire makes it serviceable at closer ranges. It also deals high damage, ammunition is widely available with enemies in late-game stages carry this.

Max first acquires the Colt Commando from the arms stockpile in Boris Dime's cargo ship Charon at the end of the chapter With Rats and Oily Water. Although only very few enemies use the weapon in Part II, the gun is frequently found in the hands of Mercenaries and Killer Suits in Part III.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • The Colt Commando is based on the Colt Model 733.
  • The firing sound of the Colt Commando was used for the Pistol (albeit at a higher pitch) in the 3D Universe Grand Theft Auto games, with the exception of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Weapons in Max Payne
Melee Baseball Bat · Lead Pipe
Pistols Beretta2 · Desert Eagle
Shotguns Jackhammer · Pump-Action Shotgun · Sawed-Off Shotgun
SMG Ingram2
Assault Rifle Colt Commando
Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Launcher M79
Projectiles Grenade · Molotov Cocktail
2 indicates that a weapon is dual-wieldable.