Candy Dawn is a hooker and an associate of the Punchinello Crime Family.
Candy is a hooker with a various number of clients in the Punchinello Crime Family. She has her own apartment in the same hotel that Rico Muerte and the Finito Brothers stay in.
She has tapes of some of her clients in her room and a diary where she likes to record events in.
Showdown with Max Payne[]
Candy is involved with members of the Punchinello Crime Family and is caught giving Rico Muerte oral sex when Max Payne appears in the scene. She attacks Max along with Muerte and several more armed thugs. During the gunfight. She is the only female enemy in the series that Max Payne fights and can kill outright though her death is optional as she stands still in one place and is easy to almost ignore.
Max also finds that some of her "secret tapes" are of Alfred Woden (whom she refers to as "one-eyed Alfred" in her diary). Max decides to use this against Woden if he were to go back on his offer to "make all the charges go away".
Equipment and Tactics[]
Candy carries a Beretta 9mm pistol. Despite being a hooker with no explicit combat skills, she has extremely good aim, having near-perfect accuracy with each shot (whereas most non-boss Punchinello mobsters tend to miss the majority of their shots even against stationary targets). However, like all enemies she does not lead her target and thus her shots can be evaded by strafing. She is also noticeably more durable than regular Punchinello mobsters, having about three times as much health as them and requiring about 17-18 9mm pistol shots to kill.
Candy is confronted alongside Rico Muerte and several Punchinello mobsters. Candy herself runs behind the bar and fires at Max from a stationary position, while Muerte flees into the back hallway and his mobsters charge at the cop.
- Max Payne
- The Blood Veins of New York
- In the Land of the Blind (only mentioned)
- "Oh Rico, you're so bad."
- ―Candy Dawn
- "It's that Cop!"
- ―Candy Dawn commenting on Max's abrupt arrival.
- she is one of the two women who can be killed with Violette in (Max Payne 2), but the difference is that the latter is our ally but a lost bullet and it becomes our enemy.
Max Payne • Alex Balder • B.B. • Jim Bravura • Vincent Gognitti • Nicole Horne • Mona Sax • Vladimir Lem • Jack Lupino • Michelle Payne • Angelo Punchinello • Alfred Woden
Candy Dawn • Boris Dime • Finito Brothers • Rico Muerte • Frankie Niagara • Rose Payne • Lisa Punchinello • Kyra Silver • The Trio |