The Branco family was a rich and famous family residing in São Paulo, Brazil. They owned a company called Fabricas Branco, a real estate company building luxurious condos in Sao Paulo. They are also infamous for their crimes ranging from bribing to corruption. Their family ended when all 3 brothers and Fabiana were killed in the Sao Paulo chaos.
- Unknown member - Father of Rodrigo, Victor, and Marcelo.
- Rodrigo Branco - Real estate mogul, the oldest of the three brothers, and husband of Fabiana. Shot in the head by Bachmeyer.
- Victor Branco - Politician. The middle brother. Found dead in his jail cell.
- Marcelo Branco - The youngest brother. Executed via necklacing by a member of the Crachá Preto.
- Fabiana Branco - Rodrigo's wife. Shot in the head by Serrano.
- Max Payne 3 (First appearance)