- "You heard me. I'm not frightened of you, you spray tan guido douche."
- ―Bar Girl to Tony DeMarco
The Hoboken bar girl is a minor character in Max Payne 3, appearing only in chapter IV and the tie-in comics Hoboken Blues and Fight and Flight.
The unnamed female was a patron of Walton's Bar that sat near Max Payne during one of his typical depressed drinking sessions.
She entered the bar during Max's last drinking sit in New Jersey, ordering a gin and tonic from Marty, which reminds Max of Michelle's preference for the drink. The patron doesn't interact with Payne until after Raul Passos intervenes in Tony DeMarco threatening Max, after which she, Raul, and Max drink together while Passos converses with them about Max's past in the NYPD.
Some time afterwards, Tony his fellow thugs re-enter the bar to confront Max and Passos, and Tony insults the bar girl, who returns the profanities. Max can be seen attempting to pull her back, presumably to avoid bringing danger from the gangster towards any bystanders.
This results in Tony pistol-whipping the girl in the head, to which Max impulsively responds by shooting Tony dead with the very gun he had left earlier, provoking a gang war between Max and the DeMarco Crime Family. The girl and Marty, both take cover behind the bar counter, as the girl yells out insults towards the gang members as Max and Passos engage in a gunfight against them.
- Max Payne 3 comics
- After the Fall (First appearance)
- Hoboken Blues
- Fight and Flight
- Max Payne 3
- The bar girl wears a black shirt in-game, but it is white in Hoboken Blues and Fight and Flight.