Max Payne Wiki

"Bachmeyer, Becker's right hand man, his time would come, him and Becker."
―Max Payne, upon finding out Bachmeyer is responsible for his employer's death, swearing revenge.

Bachmeyer was a corrupt Brazilian police officer who served as the second-in-command of the Unidade de Forças Especiais unit, the right-hand man of Armando Becker and the tertiary antagonist of Max Payne 3.

Being Becker's lieutenant and best man, he often accompanied his boss. Bachmeyer also seems to be a field leader of the UFE, as he leads the unit to the war zone of the Nova Esperança favela. Bachmeyer also makes deals with the Crachá Preto second-in-command Milo Rego, and sold him the people that the UFE caught.

Prior to the favela war, Bachmeyer was sent to kill the businessman Rodrigo Branco, under Becker's orders, during an attack by the Crachá Preto on the Branco HQ, Successfully executing Branco, stealing the security recording, and setting up a bomb.

His role behind the assassination is later discovered by Max Payne, Rodrigo's bodyguard, who finds the DVD from Rodrigo's office that shows the execution.

After a short confrontation, Bachmeyer runs to his men, and a large gunfight began near Becker's office in the UFE's station. At the end of the gunfight, Bachmeyer was shot in the head and fell from the platform he was standing on.


Early life[]

Nothing is known about Bachmeyer's life and his full name has never been revealed; however, it is believed that he is of German and Afro-Brazilian descent.

At some point, he joined the Unidade de Forças Especiais and rapidly rose through the ranks to become Armando Becker's loyal right-hand man. He also became fluent in English during that time.

Branco party gunfight[]


Bachmeyer standing next to his boss, Becker.

After an unsuccessful kidnapping of Rodrigo Branco and his wife Fabiana, by the Comando Sombra, Bachmeyer arrived to the scene to finish off the remaining Comando Sombra members. As he and Becker go around, he and Max exchanges stares with each other briefly.

Rodrigo's assassination[]


Bachmeyer executing Rodrigo Branco.

During the Crachá Preto's attack on the Branco office, Bachmeyer somehow managed to enter Rodrigo Branco's office, and shot him in the back of the head. Bachmeyer then took the CCTV tape that filmed him killing Rodrigo and planted a bomb that eventually blew up the Branco office.

War at the favela[]


Bachmeyer selling people to Milo Rego.

Much later, Bachmeyer leads a full attack on the Nova Esperança favela in order to bring down the Comando Sombra. During this attack, Bachmeyer and his unit capture many residents of the favela, and sell them to Milo Rego and the Crachá Preto.

Attack on the UFE station[]

Max: "Hey pal, nice to see you."
Bachmeyer: "Vai pra casa. Gringo de mierda! (Go home. Shitty gringo!)"
Max: "I don't think we've been properly introduced. "
—Max Payne 3

After learning of Victor Branco and Becker's true plans, Max attacks the UFE base, where he finds the CCTV tape that shows Rodrigo being executed by Bachmeyer. Max rushes into Bachmeyer, who escapes and sends more of his men.


Bachmeyer: "Hey! You Americans love to interfere in things you do not understand!"
Max: "Oh I understand plenty, asshole!"
Bachmeyer: "How stupid can one man be?"
—Bachmeyer yelling at Max [src]

Bachmeyer gathers his men near Becker's office, in order to protect him from Payne's attack. After a big shootout, Bachmeyer is shot dead by Payne, and falls from the platform he was standing on, avenging Rodrigo's death. Payne then uses Bachmeyer's ID card to enter Becker's office.


In short, Bachmeyer is best described as ruthless, arrogant, corrupt, psychopathic, and destructive. Undyingly and unquestioningly loyal to his superior, Armando Becker, and overly confident in his role as a UFE officer, he was willing to kill anyone he was instructed to and kidnap and sell innocent people to the Crachá Preto for money, knowing that their organs would be harvested and sold on the black market.

Bachmeyer, like his business partners Álvaro Neves and Milo Rego, had a very negative opinion of Americans, claiming that they "loved to interfere" in things they did not understand.

For unknown reasons, Bachmeyer had an obsessive hatred of Max Payne, repeatedly taunting him about how he hoped to be the first one to kill him. In the end, his obsessive desire to kill him culminated in his untimely death.

Notable quotes[]

"Vai pra casa, gringo de merda! (Go home, shitty gringo!)"
―When Bachmeyer confronts Max in the UFE station
"You Americans love to interfere in things you do not understand!"
―Bachmeyer yelling at Max before their huge gunfight
"Do you even see what a joke you are?!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"You shouldn't have listened to that idiot Da Silva!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"I'll think of you when I get my promotion!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"Acaba com esse filho da puta! Pelo amor de deus! (Get rid of that son of a bitch! For the love of God!)"
―Telling his men to kill Max
"What are you hoping to achieve here?"
―During a gunfight with Max
"You're even crazier than I thought!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"You should know when to walk away!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"Give Rodrigo my regards!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"Thank you for all the fine work!"
―Bachmeyer sarcastically taunting Max during their gunfight
"I hoped I'd be the one to kill you!"
―Bachmeyer arrogantly boasting about wanting to kill Max during their gunfight
"You were doing so well, you had to go and spoil it!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"You served your purpose! This is where it ends!"
―During a gunfight with Max
"Why do you think you're not dead already?"
―During a gunfight with Max

