- "A weapons dealer, a murderer, that was known. A dealer in human organs, that wasn't known."
- ―Wilson Da Silva, regarding Becker.[src]
Colonel Armando Becker was the corrupt commander of the Unidade de Forças Especiais and the secondary antagonist of Max Payne 3. He is a friend and ally of Victor Branco and rival to Wilson Da Silva. He was killed by Max Payne in the airport shootout, and he either died of his mortal wounds or was executed in the head by Max.
Early life[]
Almost nothing is known about Becker's life before 2012; however, his surname suggests he is of German descent. At some point in his life, he joined the Unidade de Forças Especiais, rapidly rose through the ranks and eventually became its leader and commander. He also became fluent in English and forged a very good friendship with Victor Branco, a local politician.
It's not clear how he and Wilson Da Silva know each other, but it seems they have known each other for a long time.
Organs Harvesting Scandal[]
War with the Comando Sombra[]
By 2012, the Unidade de Forças Especiais were in war with the Comando Sombra, the biggest street gang in Sao Paulo. Becker targeted the gang's leader, Serrano, in four UFE operations, but failed to capture or kill him. Becker also targeted other major criminals, such as the leader of the Tropa Z.
In 2012, the Brancos held a chairty party on their manor's roof, with Becker as one of their guests. Becker was seen by Max Payne and Raul Passos talking to a woman at the party. Raul described Becker to Max, though he forgot Becker's name. Soon, the Comando Sombra attacked the party, and attempted to kidnap Rodrigo and his wife Fabiana. Max, working as Rodrigo's bodyguard, managed to rescue Fabiana and gunned down her kidnapper and set to rescue Rodrigo. Becker and Marcelo then arrived and tried to calm down Fabiana.

Da Silva and Becker arguing
After Max saved Rodrigo, Becker, and a few members of his unit, including Bachmeyer, arrived to execute the remaining CS members. However, da Silva arrived too and told Becker to not kill any more CS members, as he wished to investigate and interrogate them. This led to an argument between the two with Becker telling da Silva that he was sticking his nose where it didn't belong.
Later, after the CS successfully kidnapped Fabiana, Rodrigo tried to pay the ransom money, but another gang destroyed the deal. In a meeting following the incident, Rodrigo told that he'll move from São Paulo once Fabiana will be saved. Becker then said that he hopes that Rodrigo is not giving up living in "our city" and that he could almost certainly assure Fabiana's safe request "if you do as I ask." Victor supported Becker's words and tried to make his brother stay in São Paulo.
As Victor, Marcelo, and Raul left Rodrigo's office, Becker was about to leave with them as well, saying to Rodrigo that Fabiana will be rescued by his best men, before leaving the office. Soon, the Branco HQ was attacked by the Crachá Preto. During that time, Becker sent Bachmeyer to the Branco HQ, and mercilessly executed Rodrigo.
Becker later sent Bachmeyer to lead squads to Nova Esperança, in order to defeat the Comando Sombra, as well selling more people to the Crachá Preto. Bachmeyer led a large army of soldiers and armored vehicles, successfully defeating the Comando Sombra and taking at least one truckload of prisoners, if not more.
Confrontion at the UFE station[]
- "BECKER! [...] Something funny about dying?!"
- ―Payne storms Becker's office.[src]
Max Payne, after finding out about Becker and Victor's true plans, as well their roles behind all the events that happened to him in 2012, attacked the UFE station in order to find and kill Becker.
Max fought his way through Becker's men, with the help of some gang members that entered the station as well. He found the tape containing Rodrigo's death, and killed Bachmeyer near Becker's office, using Bachmeyer's ID card to get into the office.
Max confronted Becker, who started to laugh maniacally, leading the ex-detective to choke him to near death, yelling that he knows everything about Becker's actions. But was then stopped, being held at gunpoint by Victor, who cynically stated that Max did not know everything, and thanked him for taking out the Crachá Preto.
Before Victor was able to shoot, Max disarmed and injured Victor by ramming his own head into his eyes, making the politician yell in pain. Becker cursed the ex-detective as he electrocuted him with a taser, made off with Victor out of the office, and cut Max off by locking him in the office, escaping the angry avenger.
Battle in the airport and death[]
With his life in danger, both from Max and the fear of having his scandal exposed, Victor planned to escape the city. Max and Da Silva found up about this plan and Max entered the airport, soon to be attacked by Becker's men.
After a long way of fighting, Becker, who helped Victor to get on the plane, was found by Max, who showed himself, yelling that he "has no where else to go." A massive shootout began between Becker and his men with Max.
During the the battle, Becker used a grenade launcher and a shield, and stood on plane stairs, as well sending his men to kill Max. The ex-detective, however, managed to defeat all of Becker's men. Becker then shot a grenade, but Max jumped off plane stairs and shot at the grenade, which exploded near Becker, mortally wounding him, severing his left arm, and throwing him a few meters from the place he was standing.

Becker, defeated and wounded, with Max aiming a handgun at his face.
He was left wounded and at mercy of Max, Max has the choice to either execute Becker or let him die of his wounds. Regardless, Becker dies and his grenade launcher is taken by Max to take down UFE soldiers and Victor's plane.
After his death, his unit is permanently disbanded, and his effort in protecting Victor was fruitless, as Victor was caught, arrested, and later hanged in his cell, either out of suicide or in an act of vengeance.
Personality and traits[]
At first, Becker seemed like a charming, polite, optimistic, gentlemanly, elegant, down-to-earth man. In actuality, his friendly demeanour was nothing but a carefully constructed façade; he was actually a manipulative, sociopathic, hypocritical, and arrogant man who was willing to do anything to "clear" the streets of crime, even if it meant killing, kidnapping and selling innocent people who did nothing wrong. Unlike Wilson Da Silva who has a rather pragmatic, lawful, by the book approach to crime, Becker had an extremist approach to crime; he felt that the only way to deal with the high crime levels of São Paulo was to employ deadly and brutal force against the city's poor and less fortunate.
Becker was known for his extensive corruption and involvement in murder and arms dealing, but thanks to his friendship with Victor Branco, a local politician, he never faced prosecution or retribution for his crimes. This special friendship, along with his status as a police force commander, made him arrogant and feel he was untouchable. For example, when Wilson Da Silva challenged him for his use of lethal force on an injured criminal, Becker responded with childish insults, telling him to stop snooping around in matters that didn't concern him.
Becker is a short, yet somewhat bulky man, with a pale skin tone, short combed black hair and dark eyes. Becker's main outfit is a blue military outfit of the UFE unit, having a few patches related to his unit. Later during his confrontation with Max Payne in Branco's airport hangar, he is seen with his UFE tactic battle suit just like the rest of his men along with his grenade launcher and a bulletproof riot shield. After the explosion, he lost his left arm that stayed attached to his shield and physically scarred his left face along with half of his body before he either died from shock due to blood loss or a bullet in the head by Max Payne.

A grenade launcher, Armando Becker's weapon of choice.
- Grenade Launcher - a powerful grenade launcher that fires long-ranged grenades. Becker uses it as his main weapon of choice, as well during his final battle with Max Payne at the airport. Ironically, this weapon led to his owner's death, and to Victor's capture. After his defeat by Max, the latter took the grenade launcher and used it blew up Victor Branco's plane, resulting his capture.[1]
- Riot Shield - a personal lightweight protection device deployed by police and some military organizations. The riot shield Becker wields is bulletproof. Becker grabs a riot shield when he is confronted by Max at the airport. When a grenade was blown up near Becker, the riot shield fled away from its owner, along with his left arm.[2]
- Taser - an incapacitant weapon used for incapacitating a person by administering electric shock aimed at disrupting superficial muscle functions. Becker owns a taser which he holds on his hip. He used the taser to shock Max in order to escape along with Victor, after the later was assaulted by the ex-detective. [3]
Boss Fight Strategy[]
- For more information, see One Card Left to Play#Boss Fight Strategy.
- Becker is revealed to have the rank of Colonel as shown in the ending during the news scene.