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"Yeah, Sure. Anybody can buy me a drink."
Max Payne to Raul Passos

Anyone Can Buy Me a Drink is the fourth chapter in Max Payne 3 and chronologically the 1st chapter.


As Max and Passos escaped the stadium, Max recall his time when he first met Passos. He was constantly drinking and taking painkillers for years since his retirement of the police force. He soon met Tony DeMarco, the son of the powerful New Jersey gangster, Anthony DeMarco, and his friends hanging out in the bar, they also harass Max for being an ex-cop as usual. Max rebut Tony with insults on his family which Tony took it harshly, he threatened Max to apologize or he will be killed.

Soon, a stranger comes in and threaten Tony with a gun and forced them to leave, Tony swear he will come back and take vengeance. The stranger introduce himself as Raul Passos, a former friend of Max since the police academy and offer security work, Max refused but accepted a drink tab by Passos. Max, Passos, Marty (the bartender) and a woman soon drink and celebrate. However, it was interrupted by Tony and his friends who return and ready to kill them. Tony and the woman soon argued with Tony hitting her, Max instinctively grab the pistol that Tony left and shot Tony in the heart.

It turned into a gunfight as Max and Passos work to escape the gangsters that Tony hired who guard the bar behind. After the gunfight, Max and Passos head to Max's home for safety.



  • Tony DeMarco - Shot in the chest by Max Payne in retaliation for hitting a bar girl.
  • Marty (Determinant) - Killed by Max Payne if the player chooses to do so.
  • Bar Girl (Determinant) - Killed by Max Payne if the player chooses to do so.
  • Brewer - Committed suicide via self-explosion to kill some of DeMarco's men and to protect Max.
  • Joey - Killed by Max Payne.
  • Several members of DeMarco's crew - Killed by Max Payne, Brewer and Raul Passos.

Mission Failure[]

The mission will fail if Max:

  • Dies;
  • Allows Tony to shoot him;
  • Shoots Passos;
  • Leaves the alleyway;
  • Fails to shoot DeMarcos while on water tower;
  • Goes down the fire escape before enemies are killed.

Special Fail Scenes[]

  • If Max does not shoot Tony in time, the latter will shoot Max as Passos is shot by a DeMarco, with Tony demanding Marty to clean the place up.
  • If Max leaves the alleyway during the firefight after clearing the back of the bar, a DeMarco will spot and shoot Passos.
  • If Max does not shoot all of the DeMarcos while on the watchtower, Max will be shot in the face as he hangs onto a ledge.
  • If Max attempts to climb down the fire escape before the enemies are killed in the wrecked apartment, Passos will be shot in the head.


  • M1911
  • M10
  • M4 Super 90
  • MPK
  • AK-47

Golden Guns/Clues[]

Golden Guns[]

Golden 1911

  • The first of the Golden 1911 can be found right next to the bar’s front door in the beginning.
  • The second part of the Golden 1911 is found upstairs where the shotgun thug comes in. Go up and the part is near a door.
  • The last part of the 1911 can be found to the back right of the area outside of the bar. This is found once the player exits the bar through the back.

Golden M500

  • The first part of the Golden M500 is found in Max’s apartment.
  • The second part of the Golden M500 is found behind the door where you first enter the rooftops.
  • The last part of the Golden M500 is found on the scaffolding of the first room in the unfinished building after clearing the first area.

Golden Saf 40. Cal

  • The first part of the Golden Saf 40. Cal is found in the burnt room next to the stairs in the place where Brewer killed himself.
  • The second part of the Golden Saf 40. Cal is found after the water tower sequence, where one must head left instead of following Passos.
  • The final part of the Golden Saf 40. Cal is found in the chop shop’s office.


  • Max’s NYPD badge is only found if the player explores Max’s apartment before leaving. It is found on a table near the couch.
  • Newspaper Clippings and Brewer’s Journal are both found in Brewer’s apartment (the room which Brewer comes out of). Scan the walls for the clippings, and look for the journal on a table.


Walton’s Bar[]

This section is fairly easy to get by, as the enemies have terrible aim in this section and can be taken down with Shootdives if they get to cover. One will show up with a shotgun in the upstairs area, so one must take him out once he appears. In the basement, one must be cautious of the door to the kitchen as a few moments into the fight, one will emerge and attempt to flank Max. Also, one can fight the thugs through the counter. After the thugs are taken care of, one can exit through the back door, but it is suggested to search the area for painkillers.

Back Alleyways[]

Once one leaves the bar, one can Shootdive to kill enemies, which reduces the risk of being shot too many times, but one must be quick in doing so. Once the player gets to the back alleyway, one can choose to stay in cover, which reduces their risk of being killed, or one can Shootdive to quickly dispatch the enemies. It is not recommended to attempt shooting the cars until they blow up, as if one is too close, they can be killed by the blast themselves. Passos will eventually arrive to help dispatch the remaining enemies.

Apartment Building[]

You start this section with only one pistol. You can pick up a second 1911 to help dual wield. Two enemies try to catch Passos while he runs to a different door. You can take advantage of this and dispatch the two before they take cover. You must be careful of the lasers in the hallways. You can utilize the corner-fire technique, where you can use their crosshairs to shoot the enemies on the rooftop the opposite of them. This would trigger a monologue for Max as well as an achievement. Afterwards, keep moving until the cutscene with Brewer begins. No enemies would be present for the rest of the area until they reached the rooftops. One can search the rooms for painkillers if they need to.


Enemies are not plentiful on these rooftops, and there are three in the beginning. Shootdive to avoid damage and quickly take them out. Two more would show up and they can be taken down easily. There are enemies waiting on the next rooftop. Use the corner-fire technique through a nearby fence to take out the enemies, as one cannot damage you through the fence. One that is done, vault over the brick wall into the next area and quickly shoot the propane tank under the grill, as this can kill most of the enemies that show up afterwards. Once this is done, one must continue until they reach a water tower. Once the DeMarcos shoot the tower, one must quickly shoot all of the enemies before Max jumps from the falling tower or you will end up Dead. Once this is done, Passos will find you and you will move on.

Video Walkthrough[]


Obtainable Achievements/Trophies[]

DSC 0000010

That Old Familiar Feeling

Clear The Hallway Of Lasers

10 Gamerscore / Bronze Trophy



  • Despite the quote being in the chapter itself, it has a minor difference with "anybody" is used instead of "anyone".
  • The music played at Walton's Bar is Bright Lights - Gary Clark.
  • The chassis of a Cognoscenti, a luxury vehicle from Grand Theft Auto IV, appears as one of the vehicles within the mafia-run garage.
  • There are some similarities (not exactly but the idea only) between the level No 'Us' In This of Max Payne 2 and this level. The first part is at checkpoint 7 (after Passos leaves Max's apartment) Passos runs towards the door in front of him and the door is locked from behind. Same thing happened in Max Payne 2, with the exception of the enemies because he closed the door before they appear while in Max Payne 2 Mona killed the Cleaners before Max leaves his apartment, The second part is that one of DeMarco's goons was going to kill Max, but Brewer opens the door and instantly shoots him before killing Max. Similar to what happened to the old lady when Max walks next to her apartment.
  • If Max doesn't kill all the hitmen during the watertower bullet time event, a cutscene will play where one of the surviving enemies will walk up to Max and execute him.
  • If Max hesitates to shoot Tony in the very beginning of the chapter, the latter will shoot Max dead, along with Passos and retreat from the bar.
  • Chronologically, this is the earliest chapter of the game despite being the fourth the player will unlock.
  • This is the first chapter to include non-explosive environmental kills, that the player can accomplish via disabling a car lift while an enemy is underneath it.
  • Max refers to "the Pulaski" when he notices an aircraft above preparing to land at Newark Airport. He is referring to the Pulaski Skyway, which links Newark to New York City via the Holland Tunnel. Oddly enough, Max is facing north when he sees the aircraft flying from behind him, which is incorrect as Newark Airport is south of Hoboken.
Max Payne Chapters
The American Dream Prologue · Roscoe Street Station · Live from the Crime Scene · Playing It Bogart · The Blood Veins of New York · Let the Gun Do the Talking · Fear That Gives Men Wings · Police Brutality · Ragna Rock · An Empire of Evil
A Cold Day in Hell Prologue · The Baseball Bat · An Offer You Can't Refuse · With Rats and Oily Water · Put Out My Flames With Gasoline · Angel of Death
A Bit Closer to Heaven Prologue · Take Me to Cold Steel · Hidden Truths · The Deep Six · Backstabbing Bastard · In the Land of the Blind · Byzantine Power Game · Nothing to Lose · Pain and Suffering
The Darkness Inside Prologue · Elevator Doors · A Criminal Mastermind · The Depths of My Brain · No 'Us' in This · A Sign of Her Passage · A Linear Sequence of Scares · The Million Dollar Question
A Binary Choice Prologue · The Things that I Want · In the Middle of Something · Blowing Up · Routing Her Synapses · Out of the Window · The Genius of the Hole
Waking Up from the American Dream Prologue · Too Stubborn to Die · On a Crash Course · A Mob-War · Dearest of All My Friends · A Losing Game · There Are No Happy Endings · Love Hurts · That Old Familiar Feeling
Part I Something Rotten in the Air · Nothing But The Second Best · Just Another Day at the Office · Anyone Can Buy Me a Drink · Alive If Not Exactly Well
Part II A Dame, A Dork, and A Drunk · A Hangover Sent Direct from Mother Nature · Ain't No Reprievement Gonna Be Found Otherwise · Here I Was Again, Halfway Down the World · It's Drive or Shoot, Sister
Part III Sun Tan Oil, Stale Margaritas and Greed · The Great American Savior of the Poor · A Fat Bald Dude with a Bad Temper · One Card Left to Play