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Max Payne Wiki

"I am a legitimate businessman and a proud member of my community. Drugs are a scourge and, as a parent, I pride myself in having nothing to do with them."
―Anthony DeMarco in a TV interview.[src]

Don Anthony DeMarco, Sr. is the boss of the New Jersey-based DeMarco Crime Family in 2011. He is also the father of Tony DeMarco. He is also the main antagonist in the New Jersey Arc missions.


Early life[]

DeMarco became the don of a Mafia family sometime in the early 80s or 90s. He was also one of the most powerful mobsters in New Jersey by 2011, after the fall of the Punchinello Crime Family. DeMarco's only son was Tony, and the two had a close relationship.

Hunting Max Payne[]

"Max Payne! You killed my boy! You killed my ONLY son!"
―Anthony DeMarco yelling at Max Payne, 2011.

At some point in 2011, former NYPD detective Max Payne, "slumped in a bar, drunk on self-pity", killed DeMarco's son after witnessing him strike a woman. DeMarco was distraught and heart broken when he learned of his son's death. He then sent a large mobster hit squad to kill Max out of revenge. Max, however, was able to kill all the hitmen, and escaped to safety with his friend, Raul Passos, and help from Brewer, a mentally unstable neighbor of Max, who blew up several of DeMarco's hitmen with a bomb that was strapped to his chest.

Later at the cemetery, Max and Passos were held at gunpoint and taken to a grave site where DeMarco confronts them about killing Tony, and in a rage, hit Passos twice in the head with a shovel, forcing Max to dig their own graves before breaking down and sobbing.

Mob war[]

A month after Max's escape to São Paulo, a war between the DeMarcos and the Punchinellos began. According to the newspapers and Max, this was not the first time the two mob families were at war with each other.

Personality and characteristics[]

DeMarco was highly intelligent, calm and an opportunist, even in his old age. Despite being a loving father, and grooming his own son, namesake Anthony "Tony" DeMarco Jr., by making him a possible capo, or under-boss in the crime family. His only unbalance, perhaps, was when his son was killed, and that made him cry a lot, even in front of his men. He also resorted to addressing Passos by an ethnic slur when blaming him for Tony's death.


Anthony was an Italian American man with gray hair. In his appearances he wears a gray suit, with a light gray shirt underneath, and a red tie with dark shoes.




  • Anthony DeMarco is the only antagonist in the Max Payne trilogy to not die at any point.
    • Serrano could have possibly escaped the Imperial Hotel's destruction, though it's unlikely given the small amount of time between being spared by Max and the C4's detonation.
  • DeMarco appears to have ties with Neo-Nazis, as he had hired one thug to torture an enemy.[1]


  1. Flashback scene in Fight and Flight comic,