Max Payne Wiki
Max Payne Wiki
"At the beginning of the first game, Max is at peace, a happy man, but if you think about it, there had to have been tragedy in his past already for him to be equipped to deal with horror he must face, otherwise it would crush him."
Sam Lake[1]
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"After the Fall" cover art

"After the Fall" is a Max Payne comic book, part 1 of 3 in the Max Payne 3 comics series. It is the very first comic book release for the franchise. It details the aftermath of the events of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.


A winter evening at Walton's Bar, Hoboken, New Jersey, in 2011. Amidst the crowd of onlookers, Max Payne observes Anthony DeMarco's son strike a woman and threaten her with a gun. Payne impulsively grabs a pistol and puts it to the culprit's head. He then remembers his day and how he got to be at the bar.

Max Payne a Broken Man

Max Payne is all but a broken man in 2011

That morning, Max Payne wakes up from a nightmare in his apartment in Hoboken. For quite some time, he has been suffering from a possible post traumatic stress disorder and depression and can not forget the traumatic events of his past (most prominently - the abuse of his mother by his father and his infidelity he would witness growing up in the 70s until their early deaths, the murder of his wife and daughter in 1998, and Mona Sax and Valerie Winterson's deaths). Payne has become an alcoholic and a likely painkiller addict, spending most of his days idly sitting in front of a TV.

This particular day, with Kong whiskey in hand, Max Payne decides to take a bus ride to the Golgotha Cemetery and visit Michelle and Rose's grave. There, he gets overcome with grief and he soon catches a bus back to the city where he decides to "get properly drunk." He heads to Walton's Bar.



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  • Helen and Jack Payne's home (Appears in flashback(s))
  • Helen and Jack Payne's graveyard (Appears in flashback(s))






"This Max Payne 3 comic is impossible to read without hearing Max Payne's voice inside your head."
―Matt Cundy, GamesRadar.

After the Fall received positive reaction. GamesRadar liked the overall concept of the issue and stated "What makes the comic really amazing is the way it uses highly advanced audio-to-brain transmission technology to magically beam the satisfyingly manly voice of Max Payne into your head as you read. It really is something. Give it a try".[2]


  1. Gaming Godfathers Dive Into Max Payne’s Childhood With New Comic. Retrieved May 8th, 2012.

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