La siguiente es una colección de trampas del juego Max Payne 2.
All Modes Unlocked | During gameplay enter the following code, and start a new game for the cheat to take effect: SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, X, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, X, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT | Unlocks all Modes | Playstation 2 |
Clear console screen * | clr or clear | Clear console screen | PC |
God Mode * | coder or god | God mode, all weapons, infinite ammo | PC |
Mortal * | mortal | Disable God Mode | PC |
Get all Weapons * | getallweapons | Get All Weapons | PC |
Quit Game * | quitgame | Quits the game | PC |
Show FPS Rate * | showfps | Shows the Frames per second rate | PC |
Extended FPS Rate * | showextendedfps | Shows the extended FPS rate | PC |
Get Beretta with 1000 Ammo * | getberetta | Gets a Beretta with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Bullettime * | getbullettime | Puts Players into Bullettime | PC |
Get Colt Commando with 1000 Ammo * | getcoltcommando | Players receive a Colt Commando with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Desert Eagle with 1000 Ammo * | getdeserteagle | Players receive a Desert Eagle with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Dragunov with 1000 Ammo * | getdragunov | Players receive a Dragunov with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Graphic Novel Part 1 * | getgraphicsnovelpart1 | Part of the storyline is filled in | PC |
Graphic Novel Part 2 * | getgraphicsnovelpart2 | Part of the storyline is filled in | PC |
Graphic Novel Part 3 * | getgraphicsnovelpart3 | Part of the storyline is filled in | PC |
Get 1000 Health * | gethealth | Players receive 1000 Health | PC |
Get Ingram with 1000 Ammo * | getingram | Players receive the Ingram with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo * | getkalashnikov | Players receive the Kalashnikov with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 Ammo * | getmolotov | Players receive the Molotov Cocktail with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get MP5 with 1000 Ammo* | getmp5 | Players receive the MP5 with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get 1000 Painkillers * | getpainkillers | Players receive 1000 painkillers | PC |
Pump Shotgun with 1000 Ammo * | getpumpshotgun | Players receive the pump shotgun with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Sawed Shotgun with 1000 Ammo * | getsawedshotgun | Players receive the sawed shotgun with 1000 Ammo | |
Sniper Gun with 1000 Ammo * | getsniper | Players receive the Sniper Gun with 1000 Ammo | PC |
Get Striker with 1000 Ammo * | getstriker | Players receive the Striker with 1000 Ammo | |
Jump 10 higher | jump10 | Players jump 10 higher | PC |
Jump 20 higher | jump20 | Players jump 20 higher | PC |
Jump 30 higher | jump30 | Players jump 30 higher | PC |
Show HUD | showhud | Turns on the HUD | PC |
Help | help | Shows many more debug commands | PC |
- (*) = Requiere Desarrollador interruptor
- * Interruptor del desarrollador: Use el desarrollador-interruptor para iniciar Max Payne 2. (Por ejemplo, crear un acceso directo: "C: \ Archivos de programa \ Rockstar Games \ Max Payne 2 \ MaxPayne2.exe"-desarrollador)
Unlock All Modes | Enter the Unlock Game Modes (seen above) |
New Game Modes | Beat the game on Detective difficulty to unlock three modes: New York Minute, Hard Boiled, and Dead Man Walking. Beat the game on Hard-Boiled difficulty and unlock the Dead On Arrival mode. |
Nude Mona | See instructions below. |
Desnudo Desbloqueable Mona[]
- Hacer un acceso directo al exe del juego.
- Cambie el campo Destino a esto: "C: \ Archivos de programa \ Rockstar Games \ Max Payne 2 \", MaxPayne2.exe developerkeys-captura de pantalla
- Comienza un juego nuevo o cargar uno que haya guardado.
- Use Page Up / Page ABAJO para desplazarse a través de modelos hasta llegar a Mona desnuda. Usted recibirá Mona desnuda más rápido si se utiliza PÁG.
- Secret Memorial:
- En la Parte 1, Capítulo 7, hay una habitación secreta en el exterior del edificio. En el borde inferior más, verás un bloqueo de canalización de una sección de la cornisa que lleva lejos de una ventana abierta. Siga este cornisa (saltando por encima de la tubería) en torno a la habitación secreta. Esta sala contiene un monumento a un desarrollador caído. Descanse en paz.